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When signing online, you should first do the placement test to determine the level of knowledge of a foreign language. Completing a similar course, but in different schools does not always reflect the actual level of linguistic competence of the student. It is good to do a placement test without prior preparation so as to be qualified to the group which reflects your level best.


What's next?

With on-line registration please fill in the application questionnaire. To enrol on a course you must pay the first instalment or the entire fee to JAGO's school account. Then a place in the group is reserved for you. Within two days you will get a call confirming that the payment has been received with the information on the date of the organizational meeting of your group. The account number can be found in the Contact section. The Course Agreement will be signed at the organizational meeting.

1. Placement test (not required for the beginners' group)
2. Application Questionnaire
3. Payment into JAGO's bank account
4. Confirmation from JAGO
5. Organizational meeting, signing a contract

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